Join the fight against hunger as we support the Montgomery County Food Bank in their Stock the Sleigh program through an Ornament Fundraiser at TRIS!
As an Ornament Fundraiser location, our guests have the opportunity to donate directly to the Montgomery County Food Bank by scanning the QR code on our Stock the Sleigh ornaments through Dec. 2. For every $1 donated, five meals are generated for those who are food-insecure. With the help of our community, Montgomery County Food Bank has a goal to generate 1 million meals.
To help spread awareness about this community effort, FOX26 Houston‘s Ruben Dominguez and president of The Cleverley Stone Foundation, Katie Stone, filmed their Foodies and Friends segment at TRIS.
Watch below as they talk to President and CEO of MCFB, Kristine Marlow; Executive Chef Austin Simmons; and Director of Mission Northeast, Pam Dickson.